Tuesday, December 15, 2009
after my little brother was born, i started being left behind more and more because my brother began to take my spot as daddy's little sidekick. although, at the time it was ok because i was about 10 years old and it was becoming un-cool to hang out with your dad all the time. i had better things to do, so i thought, like hanging out with my friends, playing basketball, and talking on the phone.
As i began my teen years my dad and I's relationship continuted to grow. i never talked to him about persal guy issues or anything like that, but i did begin to wish that i would have spent more time with him. i became active in varsity sports in high school it was tradition for all the players to go hug their parents before the game started. needless to say i always gave my dad a big wet kiss too! he didn't always appreciate it at the time, but i know deep down he loved it. my dad and i love to wrestle, he often says he isn't worried about me fighting off an attacker because let's just say i have some "tricks in my pocket!"
now that i have gone off to college he often calls and begs me to come home. i am convinced he misses me dearly. when i go hom he often asks if i want to spend the day with him, driving around the country side or working outside. he tells his friends that if he could clone and of his kids it would be me. i am always willing to help and hardly ever complain. my dad knows he can rely on me to get stuff done.
when i look into the future, i can't wait to ask my dad to walk me down the aisle and dance the father/daughter dance with me. i have a side of me that wants to be goofy and make a fool out of him and then there is a side of me that wants to take the moment and fly with it. i don't tell my father nearly enough how much i love him and how much i appreciate everything he does for me, and i know if i don't do this there are many other daddy's girls that fail to do the same thing too. don't take for granted the love of you father, tell him you love him and tell him you appreciate all the hard work he does for you, so you can live a good life.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Snow Day
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thanksgiving :)

Although it did suck to have to work a double shift on Thanksgiving, which ended up being a total of eleven hours, I did get paid time and a half for working, I even got a free value basket certificate for Culver's, which is one of my favorite restaurants. :)
They were all there for the deals that we had going on back in our electronics section. We actually recieved a lot of compliments about how prepared we were for the rush that morning. We had done our research and had multiple people back in electronics to help things go smooth and efficiently.
The reason I worked a double on Thanksgiving day was because my family had already celebrated Thanksgiving back in October when my Aunt and Uncle were home from spain for three weeks. We had the full out meal, we had turkey, corn, homemade mashed potatoes, buns, and even wine. Of course my uncle bought a keg of beer to see if he could make my grandma mad and to be honest I think it worked. Anyways I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families. I was able to go home Thanksgiving weekend and spend some time with the family so I didn't completely desert my family! :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
On Tuesdays after I finish class at noon I work one hour for work studay from 12-1 p.m. During that hour I do a bunch of cleaning. I wipe down all the tables, and straighten out the chairs, and just do little jobs to kind of tidy up all the classrooms in the Parent and Child Center building! Then I get a little free time to myself before I go to class at 2:30. After class the night usually mine. I go to the gym and try to keep my butt in shape....although it isn't really working!
On Wednesday after class I have to hurry out to Eagle Bluff Elementary school for practicum. Practicum is like my field work. I work side by side with my cooperating teacher. She gives me all sorts of jobs to do, such as helping kids with reading, math, or writing. I also do little projects for her such as cutting, tracing, correcting, entering grades, and coppies. I absolutely love all the kids they are so sweet! i also go outside for recess with the students, which is a lot of fun, I often spend time with the students that have mental disabilities only because they absolutely love the attention and they have so much to offer and they love the fact that someone is spending time with them!
On Thursdays I go back to the PCC. I have to be there at 8 in the morning. Right away when I get there I have to change all the cot sheets. Which actually doesnt bother me that much. I also have to wash all the cot sheets and dry them too. After I get done doing the cot sheets I usually get stuck washing toys again, but I also don't mind that either because it's a time that I don't have to talk to anyone so ya! I work there until 10 and then I go and work for Tracy Cracker. She is a really sweet lady and for her I usually do a lot of computer work. I actually do a lot of work in the Constant Contact. I usually end up calling a lot of people for that which kind of sucks because I don't like call people. So I work for her until noon and then I usually go grab something to eat and work on a little homework until I have to go to class at 2:30. After class I usually end up working at Kmart from 4-8:30 which kind of sucks because that is usually the busiest time of the day because everyone is getting off of work and stuff. Finally Friday is here. I go to practicum at Eagle Bluff at 8 in the morning and I am there until 3:30. It is kind of a long day, but it is well worth it. I learn so much in that period of time that it isn't even funny! :) Well that is a sneak preview of how busy my life is on a day to day basis! ;)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dream Wedding! ;)
I am actually planning on having about 6 or 7 people stand in my wedding my maid of honor will most likely be my best friend from middle school, we have been through a lot together and have kind of even grown apart, but all in all I still consider her my best friend. I know I can go to her with my deepest secrets and she wont tell a sole. The other girls in my wedding will of course include my closest friends from high school and my sister. My flower girl will be my niece Jayda! She is going to make a very adorable flower girl, I almost wish I could get married now so I could see her walk down the aisle, she has recently just began to walk and it would just be so stinken cute!
My groom is going to wear a black tux with a light/sky blue vest and I think I am gonna go with a tie for my groom and bow ties for the groomsmen. The guys will also wear black shiny shoes. The girls in my wedding are going to wear sky/light blue dresses and they are going to be long. I think I am going to have them somewhat form fitted around the belly and then poof out at about the hips. I am just trying to think about that because I want to make sure my dresses don't make anyone look too fat because I hate looking fat! :s I am also planning on being in the best shape of my life for my wedding I do not want to be a fat little flabby bride when I walk down the aisle on one of the biggest days of my life! I am going to work out like crazy before my wedding and I will most likely have a perfect tan to go with it!
I want my wedding to be an early fall wedding because its not too cold and its not to warm either. Also I love the colors. I am also kind of debating on a spring wedding too! I know I don't want to get married during the summer because with my luck my wedding would end up on one of the hottest days and then I would be completely miserable! My wedding would be in the Lutheran Church in Wilton, Wisconsin and my reception will most likely take place at the legion hall or the community center in Wilton.
I hope you somewhat enjoyed my wedding plans they maybe simple now, but I will most likely need my mother to help me with the fine details when the date gets closer....as of now I am not engaged to anyone but I do have a wonderful boyfriend! :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I am a pretty big Western/English pleasure fan. So as soon as I got Midnight home we started training him (my mom and I). Everything that Midnight knows I taught him, which I take great pride in that because Midnight and I are an awesome team, and he has turned into a pretty amazing horse! Let me tell you though this did not come easy. It was a lot of hard work and many many hours a day spent riding him. I sometimes even rode him twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. We worked on the many different gates and there speeds, we worked on pivots and side passes, we worked on using his butt to stop, and we also worked on showmanship too! You may be thinking my goodness what he she talking about with side passing and using the butt to stop, don't worry I will explain! Using the butt to stop means when I ask him to stop he should basically lock his hind legs and slide on his hind legs, now mind you Midnight is not very good at this, but he does try his hardest. If horses do not use their hind ends to stop they end up stopping on the forearm, which is their front end. When a stops on its front end it is very choppy and bouncy, because they are basically locking their front end up to stop....it also can be slightly harmful if they stop to hard on their front end.
Midnight has been my best friend for over 10 years and we have been through a lot! I am actually the only person he will be good for, when other people try to ride him he doesn't do so well. He is actually a very lazy horse and if you don't properly ask him to do something he wont do it! Its actually very funny how stubborn he can be! He even knows the person that makes him work hard! He roles his eyes every time he sees her it is actually very funny! I have never seen a horse with soo much personality!