I spent my Thanksgiving by myself. It actually kind of sucked. The reason I had to spend Thanksgiving by myself was because I decided to be nice and take some hours for another girl at work, who was desperate to get rid of them. It sounded really good when I did it, which was about a week before Thanksgiving day. You may wonder, well why didn't she just go home after working the extra hours, well because I actually ended up having two shifts on Thanksgiving. My first shift started at 6:45 and went until 11:30. My second shift started at 3:30 and went until 8:30. The second shift is the one I picked up so that the girl could go spend Thanksgiving with her family. Then there was this other girl who also had to work two shifts on Thanksgiving day, she was actually kind of upset that I took the shift that ended earlier because she wanted it because her second shift ended at 10 and then she had to be back to KMart for black Friday by 5:30 the next morning! So since I am such a nice person I decided I would stay till 10 for her and then she could leave at 8:30.
Although it did suck to have to work a double shift on Thanksgiving, which ended up being a total of eleven hours, I did get paid time and a half for working, I even got a free value basket certificate for Culver's, which is one of my favorite restaurants. :)
Something that I could not believe though, was that there was a line of people waiting outside KMart at 6 in the morning on Thanksgiving. Do these people not have lives, they should have been home getting dinner ready for their families or something, not standing in line at a store.
They were all there for the deals that we had going on back in our electronics section. We actually recieved a lot of compliments about how prepared we were for the rush that morning. We had done our research and had multiple people back in electronics to help things go smooth and efficiently.
The reason I worked a double on Thanksgiving day was because my family had already celebrated Thanksgiving back in October when my Aunt and Uncle were home from spain for three weeks. We had the full out meal, we had turkey, corn, homemade mashed potatoes, buns, and even wine. Of course my uncle bought a keg of beer to see if he could make my grandma mad and to be honest I think it worked. Anyways I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families. I was able to go home Thanksgiving weekend and spend some time with the family so I didn't completely desert my family! :)
Oh that doesn't sound like fun at all, you're much nicer than me, ha. I probably wouldn't have taken those hours while I could be eating delicious Thanksgiving food. Culvers is one of my favorite restaurants too, although I hate that it seems to be so expensive.