So I officially decided that two jobs just wasn't enough, so I picked up a third! I know, for the second time, am an employee of Western Technical College! I just picked up a new work study. It is super crazy that I have three jobs but really they aren't even that bad. My first job is taking notes for a student in Written Communications. It is kind of cool because I get paid to go to class. My next job is work study for the PCC, which is the Parent and Child Center at Western Technical College. My third and probally least favorite job is KMart. I look at my KMart job as it is money, and money is what I need right now! But at any rate I am super excited that I have three jobs I just can't wait till I figure out the pay schedule for all of them!
I know this totally doesn't have anything to do with workstudy but, tonight on October 22, 2009 I went to the Jason Aldean Concert. It was one hell of a time, let me tell ya! We started out the night at a friends house, which I wasn't totally excited about because it involved drinking and well if you can't guess I don't drink. So I decided to go with four of my friends from high school, ya well three out of them four girls are pretty big partiers and usually don't give a crap about anyone else. So anyway after they got their drink on at a freinds house they played the usual game of Beer Pong. We were at this house for about an two hours and then went down to the concert. It totally sucked because we totally had orginally planned on being down there by like 6 and we didn't get there till 7 because we had to wait for the two drunks to get done with there games of Beer Pong. So we get to the La Crosse Center and of course there is a shit ton of cops and one of my friends brings some beer with her and we are all underaged so I was like you better keep that stuff hid! So we had one heck of a time getting to the parking ramp, but finally we got there and of course we had to go all the way to the top and then some! But we got there and of course me and my one friend were like screw taking the stairs, which we totally should have because the elevator took forever to open up and then we had all these people that needed to get on and off on the different levels of the ramp and it would have just been much faster to take the stairs. So we get in side of the La Crosse Center and we were trying to get in so we could go to the pit because we got pit tickets and we were actually three standing rows of people back from the stage it was awesome! Of course for the first two bands; Love and Theft and Gloriania, there wasn't too many people in the pit, but when Jason Aldean came on stage it was literally standing room only. I was literally rubbing shoulders with like five different people. It was soo crazy, but a lot of fun! :) Then when Jason came down by our part of the stage it was soo crazy because like everyone tries to touch Jason's hands, legs, pants, boots, any parts of him that they can! Two of my friends were actually able to touch his hands....they were so excited....I was like two inches away but I couldn't get over the crap load of people that were infront of me! One of my friends was like arguing with one of the other people in the pit. They were complaining and yelling at each about touching and griding on each was actually rather funny! Anyways the concert was great and I got a lot of good pictures! I left the concer with very sore feet and legs, but other than it was awesome!
But don't you fear our night didn't end there. We went to Taco Bell and Kwik Trip to get a little food and then we went back to the house that we started at! Of course my four friends played beer pong again and to looks at the time that I posted this post I did homework! The only reason I am trying to get my friends moving is because I have to go practicum tomorrow and work tomorrow night, I am going to be so dead that it wont even be funny, but o well I guess! ก็สามารถ ทำรายการ ฝาก – ถอน
10 months ago
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