I finally got a job and I am pretty excited about it! I now work at KMart. So far it is a lot of fun! My first interview went really well, actually so well that she wanted to schedule my second interview on the spot instead of waiting to call me back. My second interview was scheduled for the next day! I usually hate interviews but the two interviews that i went through at KMart were fairly easy and laid back. The only part I really hated was all the if this happened what would you do questions. They are like the worst questions ever! Anyways, my boss tells me that I will have two four to five hour orientations. I was like oh my gosh! Ya well she wasn't lying either. I did have two five hour orientations. The first one was horendous. All me and this other girl did was watch movies, you know all those company movies that they just have to show you. They were the worst movies because at every orientation a person goes to you have to watch company movies. They all basically say the same thing-be nice to the customers is the bottom line. The first orientation also sucked because the general manager of the stores in this area was coming. So all the managers of the store were running around like a bunch of chickens with there heads cut off. It was rediculous because the manager that was leading the orientation kept leaving and coming back. She finally sent us on our break and said when we were ready to come back we had to go up front and bag. Which was kind of fun! I think cashiering at KMart will be a lot of fun. Getting back to the "big shots" I actually got to shake their hands! Exciting right! The "big shots" had nothing positive to say about anything that KMart had going on, all they do is come to the store and try to find something wrong with the store. It is very rediculous.
My second orientation was a lot more fun, although I had to do a bunch of computer work. :( I got lucky though and my computer froze so I didn't have to finish. My boss then had me go up and learn how to cashier, which was soo exciting. I had so much fun up there. My person that was training me actually did get much time to train me because it was kind of busy, so I ended up just jumping right in. Which was good because I feel I personally learn more when I can jump right in and get started. I was checking people out by myself in no time. I actully got one lady to apply for a sears charge card. If we get people to apply we get two dollars per card whether or not the customer is approved. The only thing I don't like is that we have to ask every single customer if they would like to put their puchase on a sears card.....ya lets just say not everyone likes to be asked that. I especially hate asking the question when they have already gotten out the money or swiped their debit/credit card.
Working at KMart also requires me to wear a uniform if that is what I should call it. I have to wear black pants, a white shirt, and black shoes. My shoes can't be open toed or open heel. The pants don't necessarily have to be dress pants, but they are preferred. I don't find it too hard to meet this dress code, but I just don't like wearing white shirts because a lot of the white shirts that I do have are actually good white shirts/sweaters and I am a freak about keeping things clean. I try to clean shirts and pants as clean as possible so I don't have to wash them as often because washing clothing items actually wears them out faster. The plus side of things I don't have to think to hard about what I am going to wear to work everyday. Well I am sure you will be hearing plenty more about my new job..... :)
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10 months ago
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